Features 🚀
1️⃣ Sign up for a unique Slick email
Download the app and go through the sign up process.
You will be able to pick a unique username which will form part of your Slick email.

2️⃣ Navigate to your favorite websites with newsletters
Don't have a favorite? No worries, check out some of mine here!
- James Clear's 3, 2, 1
- James Clear's Newsletter
- Maker Mind
- Product Hunt
In this newsletter, James Clear, author of `Atomic Habit` shares 3 ideas from him, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question that he leaves for the reader. The question is often very self-reflecting and I absolutely love how it constantly makes me reflect on myself.
Another one from James Clear, this one is focused on longer form of content, discussing topics like `Why Facts Don't Change Our Mind`. He's perhaps the wisest person I know!
In this newsletter, Anne-Laure curates the best resources around the internet and from her own learnings to share with us the neuroscience behind creativity and productivity. I am constantly learning something new from this newsletter!
Product Hunt Daily gives you cool updates from the Product Hunt community, from the latest new apps to the latest ideas, I love receiving it to keep up with the current trend!
3️⃣ Subscribe with your Slick email
Remember the username you picked earlier during sign-up? That would form part of your Slick email!
So just type that in on those websites and hit that `Subscribe` button!
It should look something like `username@slickinbox.com`

4️⃣ That's it, you're done! 🎉
You should have received a confirmation email from the publishers, click that and you're officially subscribed to the newsletters!
Now your newsletters will show up in Slick, where they belong.
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